Wednesday, February 24, 2021

ISHRI Joins Amicus Brief of Human Rights Organizations Supporting El Salvador's Ban on Infanticide in Manuel & Family v. El Salvador

Amici including ISHRI write to inform the court’s decision on whether El Salvador is allowed, under international human rights law, to enforce its criminal statutes on crimes against newly born children. The brief provides the court with an understanding of why El Salvador’s ban on infanticide not only does not violate, but is required by international human rights law, particularly the American Convention on Human Rights.

Read the brief here.

Monday, February 26, 2018

In Michigan, encouraging girls to affirm their birth gender violates ... consumer protection laws?

Michigan state legislator Rep. Adam Zemke requested an investigation into the Metro City Church in Riverview, Michigan, for violating consumer protection laws by having a program where adolescent girls, struggling with gender identity issues, can reaffirm the sex of their birth. ISHRI and SCSS go to the Michigan Attorney General (PDF).

Norwegian Child Welfare Agency Forcibly Removes 12-year-old From Family Home for the Crime of Being Homeschooled

ISHRI and SCSS respond (PDF). From the letter to Norway's Ambassador to the U.S.:
News reports told the story about how the Kristiansen family, which had not long ago returned to Norway from Canada where they had been living, had their 12-yearold son forcibly—literally, as he was physically subdued by police and agents of your Barnevernet (child welfare agency)—taken away from them because they removed him from one of your government-run schools to teach him at home. This is not a unique case, as the Barnevernet has attracted much attention in recent years for questionable intrusions into Norwegian families and removing children from their parents for reasons that have not involved true child maltreatment.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

ISHRI and SCSS Issue General Comment on Art. 6 of the Int'l Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on the Right to Life

They threw in abortion and suicide rights, and transgender nondiscrimination protections. We demand they throw them out (PDF).

ISHRI Migrates to New Home on the Web

ISHRI is migrating from to Please bear with us as we transition to our new home! will remain available until all content is transferred.